NovoGeek's Blog (Archive)

Technical insights of a web geek

Create your own web based slide shows in ECMAScript 5

Web based slide shows (built using HTML, JS, CSS) have always been my choice and I use them most of the times in my presentations. This post explains how you can create your own web based slide show from scratch, using ECMAScript 5 (ES5). In fact, this is the code walkthrough o... [More]

TechEd on the road-new features in ECMAScript 5

Happy to say that today I have presented at "TechEd on the road", a developer conference at Microsoft Hyderabad, on "JavaScript APIs and enhancements in ECMAScript 5". It is one of the premier tech events, organized by Microsoft User Group Hyderabad (MUGH) with audience in ... [More]

Why web devs should get excited about IE9!

A more beautiful web was launched few days back! After several platform previews, beta build, release candidate build, community feedback and rigorous testing, the final (RTM) version of Internet Explorer-9 has hit the market. On the first day of its release (Mar 14, 2011) itself IE9 saw 2.35 millio... [More]

Semantics-Why should I care?

'Data' is the new currency on the web and there are companies fighting for YOUR data. Facebook blocked Twitter from looking up for friends, Google fought with Facebook over data protectionism and such wars are wide spread across the web. Probably, there are business constraints which are... [More]

How "open" is the open web today?

"Openness"is the heavily used term in the current tech era. It has its roots penetrated into several areas like mobile/consumer electronics markets, data protectionism, open source platforms etc. While the debate on who is the openest of them all is a never ending battle, with respect to w... [More]

NovoGeek 2.010

2010 has proved to be a very successful year in my career-personally and professionally, giving me lots of good experiences. Though I write only technical articles in my blog, I thought to go a bit offline and write a more personal article towards the end of this great year, sort of introspecti... [More]

Programming the Social Web with Facebook's Open Graph API

A couple of weeks back I have presented on Facebook Apps Development at DevCon 2010 and it was nice to see overwhelming response. In this article, I shall throw light on FaceBook's new social features, to help developers getting started with Facebook apps development. The Facebook F8 confer... [More]

Facebook Apps Development-DevCon 2010

Happy to say that I have presented at DevCon 2010 on "Facebook Apps Development for web devs" at Microsoft Hyderabad. The event, organized by Microsoft User Group Hyderabad (MUGH), had 250+ audience in Developer and IT Pro track! The highlight of the event is the session given by the talented Aaron ... [More]